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The Work Access Permit (WAP) online application system
Government Information Service - Extension of the COVID19 Confinement
COMMUNIQUÉ - Extension of the Government Wage Assistance Scheme and the Self-Employed Assistance Scheme
MEDIA RELEASE - The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Mauritius cuts the Key Repo Rate by 100 basis points
COMMUNIQUÉ - COVID-19 Support Measures Series: Clarification on moratoriums on loans
Support Measures to Enterprises affected by COVID 19
COMMUNIQUÉ - COVID-19 Solidarity Fund Managing Committee
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PRESS RELEASE - The European Union contributes to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund
COMMUNIQUÉ - Accrual of storage charges for import containers during prevailing lockdown period
COMMUNIQUÉ - COVID-19 Solidarity Fund
COVID–19 Assistance Scheme to the Informal Sector
Mauritius Revenue Authority - Wage Support Scheme
COMMUNIQUÉ - Statement on the temporary cessation of the operations of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd
COMMUNIQUÉ COVID-19 - Workplace Access Permit during curfew period
MEDIA RELEASE - COVID-19 Support Programme : Additional measures to support household and businesses
MEDIA RELEASE - Ensuring continuity in banking services during confinement period
COMMUNIQUÉ - Support Measures for enterprises affected by Covid-19
手徕徕棋牌手机版下载- 全方位下载:2021-3-25 · 徕徕棋牌一款不可多得的顶级休闲棋牌大作,其中内设地道的传统棋牌对战玩法,同时融入不少的新颖内容让玩家畅享,精湛的界面设计伍及个性化十足的操控体验为玩家带来最为舒适的娱乐pk环境,成熟的规则体系和先进防助手系统为
COMMUNIQUÉ for Economic Operators - COVID 19 Work Access Permit during confinement period
COMMUNIQUÉ - Extension of the Freight Rebate Scheme(Sea) & Trade Promotion and Marketing Scheme(TPMS)
The Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development announces Government’s initiatives in response to COVID-19